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"Rose Bio Hydrolat"

Rose Bio Hydrolat

Rosa damascena.

100% Pure.

Without Conservants.

200 ml


Ph: 4.1-4.4.

Origin: Bulgaria


Properties and Applications:

Divine: This is what a real rose is supposed to smell like!

For skin:

A universal product for any skin type, which improves its tone and is effective including dry, sensitive, tired skin.

As a humectant, rose adds and retains moisture and is suitable for normal to dry mature, sensitive, and devitalized skin. Rose is cooling and has very mildly astringent properties: natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory, healing effects. Stimulates skin regeneration processes, and regulates capillaries. Antispasmodic properties prevent the smoothing of wrinkles. Great for application on the eyes. Can be used as an intimate hygiene product.

A good combination if you can take only a few hydrosols with you is Rose, and Lavender, which will allow you to address most general health concerns, from stress and insomnia to sunburns and wound care.


For hormonal balance:

Rose Bio Hydrolat: Highly recommended as a hormone balancer for all ages when used internally in dilution.

1 spoon in a glass of hot water in the morning.

Therapy in postmenopausal women сombats PMS, cramps, and moodiness by virtue of its balancing effects on the endocrine system. Treats the autonomic nervous system and makes you “feel so good.”

Try rose hydrosol in desserts or a glass of champagne. It's a fantastic feeling.



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