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"ZAN FACTOR Fatless Active and Fatless booster"

ZAN FACTOR Fatless Active and Fatless booster.


ZAN Factor FATLESS containing left-sided vitamin C in the required concentration is ideal for stimulating apoptosis. The proposed type of treatment can be applied to adipose tissue of both the face and body.

On the face, the reduction in the number of cells allows to reduce the volume of the lower part of the face, in combination with the increase in the volume of the upper part, thereby allowing to optimize the “beauty triangle”.

On the face, this procedure can also be used to reduce fat deposits on the eyelids without surgery. On the body, we can act on all local adipose excesses by modeling the body silhouette.

To reduce localized fat deposits, we can use the method of adipocyte apoptosis, which allows you to get rid of adipose tissue without any side effects.

ZAN FACTOR Fatless Active and Fatless booster


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